Read Another Year Question Papers

Mobile Computing Old Paper [2018] in Diploma

Course: Information Technology
Code: 6020

Year/Sem.:  III Year / VI Sem

Time: 2.30 Hrs.    M.M.: 75

Section 'A'

Note: Attempt any 10 questions.  10 x 1 = 10

1. HLR
3. WAP
4. IPv6
6. MMS
7. SMS
10. TDMA
11. GPRS
12. GSM

Section 'B'

Note: Attempt any 10 questions.  5 x 6 = 30

13. What is mobile computing? Describe its application.
14. Describe the mobile Network Architecture?
15. Explain the meaning of frequency reuse.
16. Discuss the services of GSM?
17. Write the Limitation of mobile computing.
18. Differentiate between wired and wireless networks?
19. Describe the different mobile communication networks.

Section 'C'

Note: Attempt any 10 questions.  5 x 7 = 35

20. What is multiplexing? Describe the various type of Multiplexing?
21. Explain GPRS Architecture.
22. Describe the Different channel allocation in cellular system.
23. Explain the IEEE 802-11 Protocol Architecture.
24. What is Bluetooth? Describe the Application of Bluetooth.
25. Explain the mobile IP.
26. Describe the meaning of WAP. Explain the WAP Model.

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