Read Another Year Question Papers

Mobile Computing Old Paper [2017] in Diploma

Course: Information Technology
Code: 6020

Year/Sem.:  III Year / VI Sem

Time: 2.30 Hrs.    M.M.: 75

Section 'A'

Note: Attempt any 10 questions.  10 x 1 = 10

1. MTS system utilized.........modulation.
2. PTT stands for.........
3. First digital cellular service was used......modulation and........multiple accessing.
4. PSTN stands for.......
5. IS-54 is.........generation standard.
6. Traffic channels are used..........between different users.
7. The forward channel used for transmission of information the......
8. Simplex systems that provide only.......... communication.
9. All the setup channel carries only.........
10. Handoff controlling is done by..........
11. ALOHA system is two types-one is..........and second............
12. FAMA stands for..........

Section 'B'

Note: Attempt any 10 questions.  5 x 6 = 30

13. Write the flic limitation of a conventional mobile telephone system.
14. Write main standard of the first generation of the cellular systems.
15. Write a short note on the paging systems.
16. Compare the FDM and TDM system.
17. Describe a basic cellular system in brief.
18. What is meant by Bluetooth? Explain.
19. Explain the FDSA and also write its limitations.

Section 'C'

Note: Attempt any 10 questions.  5 x 7 = 35

20. Explain the evolution of wireless network with advantages and disadvantages.
21. Explain the CDMA with example and also compare it with FDMA.
22. Explain the principle and architecture of GSM with the main application and diagram.
23. Write short notes on the following:
  a) Frequency reuse concept
  b) Handoff concept
24. Explain the following in short.
  a) Small scale fading
  b) Channel alignment concept alignment
25. Explain the principle and working of ISDN with a diagram.
26. Compare the features and architecture of operating system palm and Symbian.