Read Another Year Question Papers

Data Structure Using C Old Paper [2017] in Diploma

Course: C.S.C
Code: 1014

Year/Sem.: Second Year/IV Semester

Time: 2.30 Hrs.     M.M.: 100

Note: Attempt all three sections are compulsory.


Attempt any ten questions.  2*10=20
1. One dimensional array is also known as.........................
2. ................ is called LIFO.
3. Tree is a.................. data structure.
4. ..............and.................. are types of search.
5. Selection sort used.................types of sorting.
6. ............. and ................. are two pointers used in queue operation.
7. The symbol * is called array.
8. Queue is also known as LIFO.
9. Tower of Hanoi is a method in which function call itself.
10. Binary tree has at most two children.
11. Arranging the element in order is called sorting.
12. Finding the location of an element is called transversions.


Attempt any five questions.  6*5=30
13. Explain different operations used in data structure.
14. Explain top-down and bottom down design.
15. Explain difference between linear and non-linear data structure.
16. Explain seventies table and hash table.
17. What is Stack? Explain with the help of push and POP algorithm.
18. Explain the working principle of avenue with example.
19. What is sorting? Explain bubble sort with example.


Attempt any five questions.  10*5=50
20. What is Tree? Explain all types of tree.
21. What is linked list? Explain two-way list with the help of structure.
22. Explain breadth first search and depth search with example.
23. Convert the following in fix notation to prefix and post fix expression.
  (a) (A + B) / C * D - F7 (G * H)
  (b) A - B / (C + D) t E * F
24. Explain quick sort with the help of algorithm and example.
25. What is Trans versing? Explain traversing binary tree (pre order, post order, I order)
26. What is Recursion? Write a program for factorial with the help of recursion.