Read Another Year Question Papers

E-Commerce Old Paper [2018] in Diploma

Course: I.T
Code: 5039

Year/Sem.:  III Year / V Sem

Time: 2.30 Hrs.     M.M.: 75

Section 'A'

Note: Write full form of any Ten of the following.   10 x 1 = 10

1. SSL
3. POS
4. EFT
5. ERP
7. EDI
9. B2B
10. C2G
11. G2G
12. G2C

Section 'B'

Note: Attempt any 5 questions..   5 x 6 = 30
13. What do you mean by E-commerce? State how it is different from traditional commerce?
14. Explain data warehousing and Data mining.
15. Explain digital signature.
16. Explain product life cycle management.
17. Write short notes on any two:
(a) Bhoo lekh  (b) Ekosh  (c) Internet Banking
18. What do you mean by digital cash?
19. What is debit a card? What is the advantages of using a debit card?

Section 'C'

Note: Attempt any 5 questions..   5 x 7 = 35
20. What is ERP? What are its benefits?
21. What is EFT? What are its advantages?
22. Explain EDI. What are its advantages?
23. Explain the process of SET.
24. Explain basic modules that exist in any ERP software.
25. Explain TCP / IP protocol.
26. What do you mean by E-Governance? What are the issues in E-Governance?